Obama's Nonbeliever Nod Unsettles Some

>> Friday, January 23, 2009

So in todays new there is a part of the black christian community that did not like in the obama speach about nod to nonbelievers and non-Christians in his inaugural address. now i have been raised in the church and being black my self i have seen the coruption and the spit of the christian community you know its funny the same people saying that not all are equal wake up at one point befor you got saved you were in the world and a non beleaver and guess what god accepted you and saved you from all your worldly thing you know its funny some of the pastors and christians saying not all are equal need to pay more attention to the bible because as christ said he who is with out sin cast the fisrt stone and all of us have a problem some way or anouther rather it be faith, sex, language, discrimnation, hate, must i go on now im going to tell you if you read this and get offended well fill free to cast a stone at me if you dont have sin but remember what the bible says "love thy brother", and that would put you in sin. oh and one more thing the same people who are saying what they are saying about obama probly voted for the last president that put this countrie in this state of suffering do to most christians are republican or fallow the republic party kinda like a colt.


yes i said it colt


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